Thursday, June 18, 2009

newbuzz....It turns out that I am a big fan of the color yellow and that surprises me. Just a few short years ago, my entire house was painted eggshell. I had neutral furniture and draperies as well. This blank slate left much room for my imagination to fill with plants, pets, pictures of loved ones, books, collections of things, and other stuff. During the years I spent raising the kids, I also nearly raised the roof of our house with all the fun stuff I found on sale. It was great, I loved having the kids around with all their things and seeing my own identity all around me as well. Then, as the kids began to leave the nest, so too did my desire to have all the stuff. My tolerance for messes and unfinished projects flew the coop as well. In one fell swoop, I changed my decor from circa Aunt Bea (Mayberry) to Martha Stewart. Out went the teacup collection, the mismatched knick knacks, the fish aquariums, and the many potted plants. Now the walls are painted bold, on-trend colors and each room has a theme. Everything has a place and everything is in its place. If it doesn't match I don't need it. If I don't need it, I don't buy it. I like the new orderliness. It makes me feel in control and relaxed. I also like my new "study", formerly known as my daughter's bedroom. The walls are bright, egg-yolk yellow. It is a bright room full of energy. Now I carry my identity with me, and have less need for external validation. I think this is the wisdom that comes with middle age. I am okay with living a simpler life. Having less stuff and avoiding the purchase of new stuff is leaving me with more resources for self exploration and growth. I do occasionally lapse back into my old self; the one who wants to have cool stuff. And I do occasionally buy unneeded stuff. But when I look around and start to see more of Aunt Bea than Martha Stewart, I know it is time to reign it in and have a garage sale.

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