Tuesday, June 16, 2009

newbuzz...Everyone is talking about the rain. "I love it." " I hate it." "We need it." "At least it is not snowing." I have made each of these statements more than once today. I love the rain because of the rhythmic patter it makes on the roof and the way the sound relaxes me. I hate the rain because it gets my hair and make up wet, leaving me feeling like a soggy noodle. We need the rain now so we can feast on fresh garden vegetables later in August. It could be snowing and I am very glad that it is not. Now that it is evening and the sun has set, I can appreciate the rain and the reprieve from the lively chores of summer. For tonight, I did not have to pull weeds, take the dogs for a walk, fill the bird feeders, move the sprinkler around or even go to the grocery store. In fact, the rain gave me an excuse to sit quietly and work on my cross stitch. Not long ago I was wishing for nice weather to do all my outdoor activities. But I am a complicated human being, and like many before me, I desire what I do not have. Doing nothing is a treat when there is something to be done. Doing something is a treat when there is nothing to do. I could have done nothing on a sunny day, but it feels better when I have the rain on my side.

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