Monday, June 8, 2009

newbuzz...We must all do our part to save the earth. In that spirit, I have dedicated my patio pots to vegetables this year as well as flowers. I have tomatoes, green bell peppers, lettuce, radishes, and herbs. In one large, aromatic pot I have placed flat leaf parsley, curled parsley, oregano, basil, and chives. It is already producing tasty greenery to spice my spaghetti sauce. We are also enjoying fresh lettuce salads. The radishes will be ready soon and I will continue to replant them as needed throughout the season. I am looking forward to later in the summer when I will be able to harvest fresh tomatoes and bell peppers for a 100% homegrown spaghetti sauce. By that time, the flower pots will be drawing flocks of hummingbirds and butterflies. Supper on the patio is sure to be an organic extravaganza.

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