Wednesday, April 15, 2009

newbuzz...I was reading a friend's Facebook posting for today. It was about dreams and how they work for us by directing our energy towards a goal that is compatible with our talents and gifts. I have always felt that I am called for a larger purpose but could never determine what it is. Now I know that my purpose is manifest in everything that I do. I have been looking for a well defined cause or occupation, but I realize today that fulfilling my purpose is not dependent upon a particular job, charity, or relationship. Rather, it is the state of my heart and mind that defines my purpose. My dream is to help others in both tangible and intangible ways. My gift is that I am nurturing, kind, and loyal by nature. My talent is to remain upbeat and positive in all situations. My calling is to touch people with joy and encouragement. This is compatible with my dream.

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