Thursday, September 27, 2012

newbuzz...I get frustrated with people who say they just want to have their own opinion without being judged. They say this after they have  offended you with their viewpoint which is usually aggressive and mean. Then, when you offer a rebuttal, they cry foul.  They do not want to hear your opinion or why you feel differently.  They do not want to explain their stance. They just want you to hear them and remain silent.

It seems like what these folks really want is to draw attention to themselves.  They are unwilling to articulate any opinions or feelings of their own, so they find a way to oppose your  passions. At the first sign of a discussion, they become self proclaimed victims of your moral judgment. They want you to feel bad so they can feel superior to you. This is passive aggressive manipulation and I do not like it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

newbuzz...  Nothing brings out the Blog in me like an old fashioned smack down over the law.  I recently posted this as my Facebook status: Dear Angry Redneck in the F150: The left lane is for passing at the legal speed limit - no faster. If I am in the left lane going the LEGALLY POSTED SPEED LIMIT, I do not have to move so you can break the law by going faster. And when you give me the finger, you are shaming your mother who tried to raise you right.

This post unleashed a fury of anger from otherwise peaceful friends.  I was surprised at how many people consider speeding in the left lane to be their right, and that by following the speed limit, I am an "idiot" and just trying to "piss people off".  That idea is far from the truth.  I actually follow the law because I want to be safe on the road and conserve fuel. I set the cruise control to the speed limit and head for home. I often drive in the left lane because folks in the right lane are moving slower and I do not want to speed up and slow down which uses more fuel. Since they are obeying the law, I do not get angry with them, or try to compel them to move out of the way; I just move to the left lane and drive the speed limit.

So why do people feel I should move out of the way for them to pass when they want to go faster than the speed limit?  I cannot imagine.  To me it would be like standing in line to pay for a purchase and having someone in back of me demanding that I move so he can shoplift more easily. Something in these speeders is telling them that their desire to go faster makes them more important than me and more important than the law. In their self centered worlds, the only reason they can think of for someone who drives the speed limit is to "piss them off".  To them I say, "It is not all about you, get over yourself!"