Monday, January 11, 2010

newbuzz...I have joined the ranks of the 90% of Americans who are employed. After three months of uncertainty and leisure, I am glad to be back on a schedule. Although I will never forget the brief interlude I had from the rat race and the world of the super busy, it is good to know where my meal ticket is coming from. Along with the experiences of having a job, losing a job, and getting a new job, I have learned to relax more and worry less. My new peace of mind does not protect me from the various calamities that may be just around the corner, but it does allow me to really enjoy what I am doing now and the things that I have today. Now I have a new schedule and a new routine. (Well, I am waiting for it to become a routine, so far, it is just all new). My dogs miss me during the day, and my husband beats me to the mailbox, but these are things that I can make up for on the weekend. I can no longer watch endless hours of daytime television or play on Facebook at will. But, my morning coffee is there for me and I know where to find my old friends. I think I am ready to just get on with it. Now, if all the other 10% of the unemployed could find jobs, I would be satisfied.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sheri.
    I am glad you are liking the job and getting into the groove. I know it will all work out for you! I had a phone interview with you know who....keeping my fingers crossed for a face-to-face next week. Good vibes.

    I would love to find that job. I think this might be it.
