Thursday, December 31, 2009

newbuzz...As the year comes to a close, there are many things I am glad to be putting behind me. Through careful planning, I can say goodbye to over spending, overdrafts, and indigestion. But what I really want to kiss farewell is the uncertainty that has brought out the worst in me as my job was eliminated and I faced the daunting task of finding a new one. I have landed a new job that will begin in January. It will keep me from collecting unemployment insurance checks from my government. It will allow me and my family to enjoy health insurance. I will have some measure of financial security. But more than that, it will allow me to rebuild the work persona that was cultivated over my entire adult life. Though we are not supposed invest our worth in our employment status, most Americans do so. Our identities are intricately woven into our economic status and when there is an interruption, we begin to question the path we have taken, and to doubt our choices. Anyway, I did. Did I work hard enough? Did I save enough money? Did I give too much away? Was it smart to take out loans for school? Will I find another job? What if I lose my house? What will people think of me now? Was it my fault that my job was eliminated? These are things that do not make for good dinner conversation and they are better left unsaid when you are unemployed and vulnerable. But now that I have a job, I can answer some of these questions in ways that favor my decision making. I realize that I am lucky to have found a job, and that I am healthy enough to work. But I will never forget the fragility that is felt when teetering on the brink of disaster. I have become stronger in spirit because of this experience. I have also become more generous of heart, especially for those who are less fortunate than I have been. And through it all, I have emerged more hopeful and more positive than ever before. I have seen firsthand how solutions can fall into place at exactly the right time to avoid trouble. I know that faith can carry me through uncertainty and fear. I am looking forward to a new year and new blessings to be thankful for.

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