Thursday, May 28, 2009

newbuzz...I am on vacation this week and it is Thursday already. Monday was an actual holiday, (Memorial Day), and a scheduled day off work, so technically, this is my third day of vacation. It has taken until today for me to regain my calm approach to life. While under the stress of the job, I tend to be more reactionary than I would like. Now after three sunny, lazy, nothing-filled days, I am feeling more optimistic than I have in a long time. My most notable accomplishment of the week to date is that I have finally cleaned my storage closet. (Big pat on the back to me.) It was a job I have been putting off and now that it is done, I feel great. I have also walked on the treadmill for an hour each day. This has been invigorating. I have listened to a noisy cardinal outside my window for more hours than I can count. This kind of peaceful daydreaming is just what the doctor ordered and more effective than talking about my worries to get them in perspective. I feel rested, I feel strong, and I feel like I am ready to handle whatever comes next.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

newbuzz...I have graduated as a Bachelor of Science, Communication Studies. It took six years of weekend college, lots of energy, and lots of money. I have it, I did it, I am a college graduate, and I am thankful for it. By coincidence, on the day of my very last class, I found out that I will be losing my job. My department is being relocated out of state. I have loved this job enough to stay with it for 12 years, and I have hated it enough to seek a college degree with the hope of doing something else. So now, I will have to leave this job and find something new. It is very unsettling. My feelings are on a roller coaster and go from excitement, to sadness to fear, and back again. There is nothing to do but go forward. I have to trust that God will guide me through this next phase with the same great care that he has from the first day of my life. I must not let my fears and worries invade my happiness and my ability to live. My life has given me many experiences to guide my actions and my education has given me a foundation from which to build my dreams.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

newbuzz...Everything is relative. Not long ago on my 40th birthday, I was reminded that 40 is the new 20, and that seems plausible to me. Actually, 50 is the new 30. So it stands to reason that Mother Nature would have some weather rules of her own to keep up with current trends. Yesterday it was 97 degrees outside and today it is 92. That is pretty hot for a Minnesota May 20th. I would prefer 85 degrees and sunny, with a slight breeze and some free time. But this is good too, though it is unexpected. On Sunday, we covered the small tomato plants in their pots on the patio to protect them from a late frost. Today I can almost hear them growing in the heat. We can only speculate on what this means for the rest of the season. But first, we have to agree on what season we are actually in. The calendar says spring, but the thermometer says summer. I guess we just have to leave it up to Mother Nature, and perhaps she is thinking that Spring is the new Summer.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

newbuzz...The marquee on our local tavern advertises a comedian this weekend. Interesting. Our area in the upper Midwest is one of the last areas that commonly books live bands. I guess they bring in the drinkers. I love live bands but I don't drink much and I have a hard time parting with my money in these hard economic times. But now that I think about it, I would love to get out and laugh a little. I might even be willing to buy dinner and a drink while I'm there. Lately, I have been noticing more comedians advertised in small, local venues. Just what the doctor ordered to make us forget about our troubles and fill up the cash register. Capitalists are creative thinkers. I believe the economy will recover, but it will be different.

Monday, May 4, 2009

newbuzz...Is it a good idea to give an answer in a job interview when you are asked, "What is your greatest weakness?" My gut reaction is, "no." It seems like any answer you give is likely to plant a bias in the mind of someone who could have power over you in the workplace. But it is not good to avoid the question or brush it off either. Then you risk coming off as self unaware, or worse, dismissive. I think the answer to that question is, "Yes, you should reply." But your answer should be very thoughtful and not overly self effacing. I do not believe I could give a great answer to that question off the cuff, so I am going to spend some time mulling it over to see if I can come up with something that will further my cause in an interview. After all, the point is to get the job, not to confess your sins. My daughter suggested finding a specific example of a difficulty I have had at work and then telling how I found a solution to the problem. This way, I will be alluding to self awareness and problem solving but not dwelling on personal shortcomings. I like this approach and I am going to think about it overnight so I will have a great answer the next time an employer or potential employer asks me, "What is your greatest weakness?"

Saturday, May 2, 2009

newbuzz...My cats keep sneaking out of the house. They want to get out in the sunshine and chew on the new grass coming up. "But you are declawed!" I scream, "You can't go outside, you will be helpless, and vulnerable to attack". But they don't listen. They just want outside. They remember when they did have claws and how the breeze felt on their fur. They remember stalking birds and catching butterflies. They are fully focused on the good things they know about nature. They do not wonder if a big dog is hiding behind the bushes. They are not afraid of meeting a strange cat in the alley. In their minds they can still scale trees and scratch up the dirt. So they sneak outside and bask in the sunshine. They bat at bugs and roll in the dirt. They meow when they see me and rub against my legs. "Thank you for letting us out," they say, "thank you for giving us our freedom, and thank you for keeping us safe". "My pleasure", I think to myself and I make a note to thank God for my life and to think more like a cat.