Friday, March 27, 2009

newbuzz...It is Friday and I am tired. I have worked hard all week. All the worrying I did about things that might happen and things that might not happen has given way to time. Some of those things did happen and some of them did not. In the end, the worrying was worse than the happening. But this is what makes us human, this "nexting" that we do. No other species has this unique ability to think and plan beyond right now. Women in the Western world are especially adept at this skill, and I rank right up with the best of them. Thinking ahead and planning what comes next has served me well in many cases. However, after a week like this one, I realize that it can be carried to extreme. Multitasking can quickly give way to worrying. Worrying is wasted energy. To waste not is to want not. Therefore, I am declaring this weekend a worry free zone. Whatever happens next is alright with me.

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